Second Seoul chose ecological packaging with high brand value
As a newly established firm, Second Seoul truly understands the power of brand packaging. And no wonder, as there are two strong brands behind the company – Finnish food manufacturer Vaissi Oy and top chef Tomi Björck.
When choosing a packaging provider, Second Seoul valued three key attributes: ecology, premium brand image and functionality. Jospak was able to answer all of them with it’s innovative recyclable cardboard trays.
Domesticity plays an important role in Second Seoul’s raw materials, so Finnish know-how was also appreciated in the packaging solution. And as the partner is found nearby, it allows close packaging development together as well for the future needs.
Though collaboration between companies is still as fresh as Second Seoul’s products, the level of commitment is high. In the role of packaging partner, Jospak has supported Second Seoul’s journey to get the new products on the shelves all the way from development to delivery.
Because that’s what partners do.
“In painting, the canvas is the platform of art. In the restaurant it’s the plate. And in the store it is the packaging.”
Tomi Björck, Partner, Second Seoul Oy