

Sustainable alternative for your product

The Future is in the Package.

Renewable and recyclable. Distinguishable and innovative.
85% less plastic. A packaging solution for the future.

Value for your brand

Less plastic

A packaging that contains up to 85% less plastic compared to a similar gas-tight food packaging made fully out of plastic.


Just remove the plastic film from the carton and recycle both materials.


There's plenty of printable surface for your brand imagery and product information.

Less is more

Less plastic, less CO2 emissions, less packaging and food waste

We combine the best functionalities of board and plastic. The inner surface of our tray is covered with a plastic film made as thin as possible. Our Jospak® carton tray includes 85 % less plastic and considerably lower CO2 emissions than same-sized food packages made entirely out of plastic. The plastic lining inside has an important function: it enables MAP packaging ensuring that the food stays fresh and delicious from the food factory all the way to your plate, minimizing food waste throughout. Printable surface and material efficiency also reduce packaging waste. Less truly is more!

With Jospak® packaging solution your product stands out

Adding value and visibility

Our Jospak® carton tray took part in a market study and the results were very much positive: Fiber-based packaging adds visibility, engagement and product value. It is widely perceived more ecological and better for the environment compared to plastic.


Brands on a road towards a more sustainable future.

Market study

Demand for fiber-based packaging

Fiber-based packaging is preferred most compared to plastic packaging and increases customers’ willingness to pay.


Source: Sense N Insight


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