Ludwigsluster wants to communicate sustainability choices in all levels of the value chain
For Ludwigsluster choosing the Jospak® boardtray solution over the previous plastic trays was an important step towards less plastic and therefore a smaller CO² footprint in the value chain. Environmentally-friendly packaging solution is well aligned with the high-quality, organic meat products and supporting LFW´s overall goals in sustainability.
In addition, with printable Jospak® tray Ludwigsluster is able to communicate efficiently and clearly to the end user about the plastic reduction, recyclability and GMO-free organic meat production. The introduction of the Jospak® boardtrays to the production was easy without any investments, just minor adjustment of process settings and employee-training.
LFW Ludwigsluster Fleisch- und Wurstspezialitäten GmbH & Co. KG is one of the leading producers of organic meat and sausage products in Germany. It employs 400 people and is well known for it’s high-quality Ludwigsluster and organic BioLust products from Mecklenburg.