
In June 2022 a packaging study, conducted by Sense N Insight, was carried out. The research consisted of an eye tracking study, personal interviews and Value Toolkit® evaluations, and the results of fiber-based packaging were very much positive.
The main conclusions were that with the right combination of the packaging material and the product-suitable-design, the product’s shelf visibility increased notably. In the study fiber-based packaging was preferred most compared to options packed in plastic. The results showed that fiber-based material was widely perceived more ecological and better for the environment compared to plastic. The usage of fiber material in the packaging also resulted in higher willingness-to-pay which indicates that the packaging concept truly adds value to the product.
And when it comes to our Jospak® tray the participants described it as smart, simple, functioning, easily recyclable, and last but not least, an incredibly good idea – and with that we really can’t argue!
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+358 20 730 7860